We provide housing assistance to families, elderly & disabled individuals through programs like Public Housing, Housing Choice Vouchers, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, HOME & Homeownership.
We provide easy access to information & required forms needed by program participants. Participants also have access to an array of supportive service programs designed to maximize individual potential.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is one of the best opportunities for lower income families to obtain decent, safe, & affordable housing. Families may choose from a variety of housing types and locations.
Spartanburg Housing provides affordable housing options in vibrant neighborhoods for the citizens of our Greater Spartanburg Community.
Rhonda Palmer, Community Manager; Natalie Hurd, Connections Coordinator; Cortina Walker, Vice President; Dania Earle, Treasurer; Mary Ferguson, Secretary; Mary Deku, League of Women Voters; Brenda Thomas, Board Member; Becky Slayton, League of Women Voters
Mary Deku, League of Women Voters; Calandra Dendy, Community Manager; Dorothy Mallory, President; Yvette Hughes, Vice President; Tracy Humphries, Treasurer; Chaleana Solesbee, Sergeant-At-Arms; Lakaja Goudelock, Secretary; Becky Slayton, League of Women Voters
Becky Slayton, League of Women Voters; Mary Deku, League of Women Voters; Mary Beth Parton, Assistant Community Manager; Tanya Owens, Community Manager; Teresia Davis, President; Shaqual McMillan, Vice President; Sonya Jackson, Treasurer; Frank Laney, Sergeant-At-Arms