Hope Road TEFRA Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be held by Spartanburg Housing (the "Issuer") on August 25, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, and will be held via teleconference in connection with the issuance by the Issuer of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds (Hope Road Project), Series 2022 (the "Bonds"), in one or more tax-exempt and/or taxable series, as part of a plan of financing in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $27,000,000. The Bonds will be an issue of "exempt facility bonds" issued to finance a "qualified residential rental project" as defined in Section 142(a)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"). The public hearing will be held jointly on behalf of the City of Spartanburg, South Carolina (the "City") and Spartanburg County, South Carolina (the "County").
Principal User of Bonds and Project. The Issuer will sell the Bonds to a bank or other institutional investor (the "Bondholder") under a Loan Agreement and Trust Indenture, the proceeds of which will be loaned pursuant to Hope Road Development LP, a South Carolina limited partnership (the "Borrower"), to finance the acquisition of approximately 27.39 acres of real property located at 1304 Frey Springs Lane in unincorporated Spartanburg County, South Carolina and construction thereon of 24 buildings comprised of 192 affordable three (3) and four (4) bedroom residential rental units, including amenities functionally related and subordinate thereto, and a portion of the costs of financing (the "Project"), to be owned by the Borrower.
Limited Obligation. The Bonds will be payable by the Issuer solely and exclusively out of payments to be made by the Borrower under the Loan Agreement. The Bonds will not constitute an indebtedness of the Issuer, the State of South Carolina, or any political subdivision thereof within the meaning of any South Carolina constitutional provision or statutory limitation nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Issuer, the State of South Carolina, or any political subdivision thereof. The Bonds will not constitute a charge against the general credit or taxing powers of the Issuer, the State of South Carolina, or any political subdivision thereof, including, without limitation, the City and the County. The Issuer has no taxing authority.
Teleconference Only. Pursuant to IRS Revenue Procedure 2021-39 allowing remote telephone hearings to qualify as "public hearings" required for private activity bonds under Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the Public Hearing will be conducted telephonically and the public will not be able to attend in person. However, all persons who wish to listen to the public hearing may join by calling toll free at (833) 473-1477 (no access code needed). Members of the public may submit oral or written comments to the Issuer to express their views for or against the proposed issuance of the Bonds, the location and nature of the Project, or the approval of the issuance of the Bonds. All persons who wish to submit oral comments during the Public Hearing must contact the Issuer, not less than 24 hours prior to the Public Hearing, via email to jjackson@spartanburghousing.org to inform the Issuer of their desire to speak at the Public Hearing. Those who present comments during the Public Hearing will be permitted to address the Issuer regarding the Project or the Bonds for no more than three (3) minutes. Members of the public may submit views to the Issuer in writing via mail to Joseph Jackson, Director of Development, Spartanburg Housing, 170 Arch Street, Spartanburg, South Carolina 29303, or via email to jjackson@spartanburghousing.org. The Issuer will not prepare a transcript of the Public Hearing.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing special accommodations to participate in the Public Hearing should contact the Spartanburg Housing at (864) 598-6084 not later than three days prior to the Public Hearing.
Joseph Jackson
Director of Development

Fair Housing - Public Hearing Notice 2019-01-07.pdf
The Spartanburg Housing Authority will accept applications for the following SHA7 properties:
Tobias Booker Hartwell Apartments
James C. Anderson Apartments
Louvenia Barksdale Apartments
Spruce Street Apartments
Leland Street Apartments
Ellen C. Watson Apartments
beginning August 3, 2018 at 9:00am. The lists will close on August 24, 2018 at 5:00pm.
What types of housing are available in your community?
Does your neighborhood have access to good schools, jobs, healthcare, and other essential resources?
The City of Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, and the Spartanburg Housing Authority are working together on a plan to expand fairaccess to housing and neighborhood opportunity in the community. The plan will identify any barriers to housing choice due to race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or whether a household has children. It will also look at segregation, poverty, and housing needs in the city and county.
The community's opinions and perceptions are an important part of this study, and everyone is invited to participate. In the plan, the City, County, and Housing Authority will outline strategies to improve fair housing over the next five years. Your input will provide essential information to local policymakers, staff, housing providers, lenders, and fair housing advocates.
This fair housing plan is called an Analysis of Impediments to FairHousing Choice, or AI. It is required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for cities, counties, and public housing authorities that receive funds from HUD for affordable housing and community development activities.
Click Here to Take the Survey
The fair housing survey is an important part of the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. Your input will help shape housing and community resources in the city and county.
Survey responses are confidential and will only be reported in combination with other responses and in summary format to protect your privacy. You have the right to discontinue participation at any time.
Thank you,
Spartanburg Housing Authority
Public Notice -Electronic Housing Waiting List Opening

Public Notice - Annual Plan

Page Lake Wait List
Housing Application for New Senior Apartments at Page Lake
The Apartments at Page Lake is opening the waiting list from 09:00 A.M – Noon on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 and 02:00 P.M. – 05:00 P.M on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 only. Applications for these Eight (8), One (1) bedroom apartments can be obtained and completed at the above dates and times by visiting:
The Ridge at Southport
305 Grand Central Ave.
Spartanburg, SC 29306
The original application and copies of the following items are required in order to process: Birth Certificates (for everyone listed on the application), social security cards (for everyone listed on the application), picture ID (for head of household and all other adults over 18 years of age) and preferences—mark the preference you feel you qualify for on the application. Provide written copies of proof as required.
The Apartments at Page Lake are subsidized apartments for qualified participants who must meet the income, eligibility and other screening guidelines as established by HUD and the Spartanburg Housing Authority policies.
Reasonable Accommodations for the application process may be requested by calling 864-598-6100.
Highland & Northside Development
The Northside Development Group in a joint effort with the Spartanburg Housing Authority and the City of Spartanburg is requesting statements of qualifications from local and national for-profit and non-profit experienced developers that can provide the necessary expertise to implement the comprehensive redevelopment of approximately 10 or more acres of scattered sites in the Northside and Highland communities in the City of Spartanburg. The Northside Development Group, the Spartanburg Housing Authority, and the City of Spartanburg are herein referred to as “Collaborative Partners”. The successful respondent must demonstrate the ability and experience to implement a comprehensive mixed-financed and mixed income development plan that will include commercial facilities and multi-family rental housing. The selected developer will be responsible for coordinating efforts with the Collaborative Partners, neighborhood residents, and other local partners.
A pre-proposal conference will be held at the offices of the Northside Development Group, 410 Magnolia Street on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, at 10:00 am. As a part of the pre-proposal conference a site tour will be conducted. Although this pre-proposal conference is not mandatory we strongly encourage prospective responders to attend, and if they are unable to attend the conference, we strongly encourage all prospective responders to make a site visit to the City of Spartanburg to review the Northside and Highland neighborhoods.
Sealed responses to this solicitation will be received at the offices of the Northside Development Group until 3:00 p.m. local time on: Tuesday, August 9, 2016.
Deliver one original, 3 printed copies, and a flash drive with one PDF document (with blank pages as tabs) of the required submittals in a sealed envelope or box clearly marked with the words “DEVELOPMENT PARTNER RFQ Documents” to the following address:
Martin Livingston
Northside Development Group
410 Magnolia Street
Spartanburg, SC 29303
Copies of the RFQ may be obtained from Martin Livingston, at the above address. Mr. Livingston can be reached at (864) 230-5288 or fivelivingstons@outlook.com. All responses submitted are subject to these Instructions and Supplemental Instructions to Offerors, General and Supplemental Conditions, and all other requirements contained herein, all of which are made a part of this Request for Qualifications by reference. The Collaborative Partners reserves the right to reject any or all responses for just cause and to waive any informalities in the submission process.
Park Place Apartments
Spartanburg Housing Authority will accept applications from 17 households, who have been displaced due to Local, Federal or State governmental action; specifically related to the property known as Park Place Apartments in Spartanburg South Carolina. Applications will be accepted on the following dates and times only:
Monday through Thursday, June 6, 7, 8 and 9, 2016 from 8:30am to 5:00pm
The waitlist will close promptly at 5:00pm on June 9, 2016.
Applicants must present a notice of displacement from the City of Spartanburg in order to apply.
Public Notice - Annual Plan

Public Notice - Cambridge Place Waiting List Open

Public Notice For Dr. JC Bull Apartments and Section 8 New Construction Program
Dr. JC Bull Apartments and Section 8 New Construction Program wait list of the Spartanburg Housing Authority (SHA) office at 101 Marion Avenue, Spartanburg, SC 29306 will OPEN to the acceptance of new applications effective 8:30 A.M. on Tuesday March 1, 2016. Requirement is that you must be a Senior Citizen (62 years and older) to apply for this Waitlist.
The opening of the waitlist will not affect individuals already on the waitlist.
Public Notice
The Spartanburg Housing Authority is in the process of revising Chapter 17 of the Administrative Plan for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Section 8 Program. A copy of the proposed changes are on file and available at the Central Office of the Spartanburg Housing Authority for review and comment.
Persons or organizations desiring to make comments and/or suggestions must do so in writing no later than 4:00 PM, Monday, November 9, 2015 at which time there will be a Public Hearing regarding the proposed revisions. All written comments and/or suggestions must be addressed to:
Terril Bates
Executive Director
Spartanburg Housing Authority
201 Caulder Ave, Suite A
Spartanburg, SC 29306
These documents shall be presented to the Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 for consideration of all comments and adoption.
Chapter 17 PBV Comparison
Public Notice for Office of Public and Indian Housing
Public Notice for Public Housing Wait Lists
The Spartanburg Housing Authority (SHA) properties listed will OPEN the site based waiting list to the acceptance of new applications effective at 9:00 AM on Monday, June 29, 2015. Individuals already on the wait lists for these properties or other properties will not lose their place on the wait lists. Future closing of the wait lists will be made know through public notice. ALL Bedrooms sizes at: Tobias Booker Hartwell, 154 George Washington Carver Drive Louvenia D. Barksdale Apartments, 350 Pierpont Avenue Spruce Street Apartments, 424 Spruce Street J.C. Anderson Townhomes, 770 Baltimore Street Archibald Rutledge High Rise Apartments, 764 N. Church Street 2 & 3 Bedroom sizes at: Leland Street Apartments, 300 Leland Street 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom sizes at: Ellen C. Watson Apartments, 351 Textile Road 6/28 518
The City of Spartanburg, Spartanburg County, and the Spartanburg Housing Authority invite members of the public to review and offer comments on their joint Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice.
The City, County, and Housing Authority, as recipients of federal grant funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, must periodically conduct a fair housing study known an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI). The AI studies patterns of integration and segregation; racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty; disparities in access to opportunity; and disproportionate housing needs. Based on the findings of this research, the report proposes fair and affordable housing strategies to overcome the identified fair housing issues.
Public Comment Period
The fair housing report will be available for public review and comment from January 14, 2019 to February 28, 2019. The document may be downloaded from the links provided below or may be viewed in the offices of the City’s Department of Neighborhood Services (City Hall, 145 W. Broad Street, Spartanburg, SC 29306) and the County’s Community Development Department (9039 Fairforest Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301).
- Download from the project website: www.spartanburgfairhousing.com/learn-more
- Download from the City’s website: www.cityofspartanburg.org/communityservices/neighborhood-services/cdbg
- Download from the County’s website: www.spartanburgcounty.org/176/CommunityDevelopment
Public Hearings
A series of Public Hearings will be held at which the City, County, and Housing Authority will present information on the report and receive comments from the public regarding the draft. The Hearings will
be held as follows:
- Thursday, January 17th – 6:00 PM – CC Woodson Recreation Center – 210 Bomar Avenue, Spartanburg, SC 29306
- Tuesday, January 22nd – 6:00 PM – Spartanburg County Community Development Department –9039 Fairforest Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301
- Thursday, January 31st – 2:00 PM – Archibald Rutledge Senior Center – 764 N. Church Street, Spartanburg, SC 29303
- Thursday, January 31st – 6:00 PM – Spartanburg City Hall Council Chambers – 145 West Broad Street, Spartanburg, SC 29304
To Make Comments
- The City and County will receive written comments until 5:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, February 28,2019.
- Comments regarding the report may be mailed or physically delivered to the City of Spartanburg Department of Neighborhood Services, Attn: Martin Livingston, Spartanburg City Hall, 145 W. Broad Street, Spartanburg, SC 29306
- Or to the Spartanburg County Community Development Department, Attn:Ann Brunson, P.O. Box 5666, Spartanburg, SC 29304.
- Alternatively, comments may be made orally at the Public Hearings described above.